Previously I’ve written about variables that may affect how rapidly Sendmail can process the mail queue. I’ve now started working to gather data on exactly how much influence these variables have.

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It’s time to run an instrumented Sendmail, throw some messages at it, and see how it performs. Specifically, does the number of queue directories (on a single disk) make a significant impact on the time taken to create new entries in the queue?

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It’s the school holidays, and my two children have had friends staying over this past week, which meant that there hasn’t been much opportunity to work on this project, and even less opportunity to write about it. So these next few posts are going to be something of a catch up.

I’ve previously documented running Sendmail in a zone. One of the things that I need for testing Sendmail is a source of messages, and an easy mechanism to get them to Sendmail over SMTP.

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